Saturday, April 10, 2010

Center Pieces

i finally got my large center pieces out of the way!  Still working on what is going to go in the middle of the tables besides candles.. thinking of a flower ball,, but a rectangle, it seems that they don't make rectangular plastic liners.. so if anyone knows where i could get some let me know! oh anyone have a lemon tree..? i need about 150 lemons, who knew they were 87 cents each! Here is a sample center piece my mom and i did:) they are about 41/2 feet tall!
 Were getting ready to send out our announcements, hoping by next week! time has gone by fast! Still so much to do, kinda makes me crazy...On the flip side my sisters and mom are Preparing for the bridal shower.. what should i wear.. cute huh.. ??

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! We have a lemon tree if you're still looking. Sounds like everything is coming along well! :)
